My Journey To Executive Coach And Mentor

Throughout my career I’ve always considered myself lucky to have been able to lead some really high performing people and teams. I may have been the leader but success was always about them.

My model was simple. Establish clarity on where we want to get to and build excitement about the future. Understand what you need to do and also what you need to stop. Recruit and develop brilliant people – not just based on their capability and experience but as importantly on their values and what they stand for. Recognise that as a leader much of your role is about helping your team to be the very best version of themselves – as individuals and as part of a team. Make the workplace as fun as it can be and celebrate success properly. Recognise when things aren’t going well and be prepared to take action. Always listen to advice and take input but be prepared to make the tough decisions when needed. Do all of this with authenticity.

I have come to realise that this wasn’t all about luck and actually much of what I was doing in my executive role was coaching and mentoring my team. Very often these were people with far more knowledge and insight about their market and business area than I would ever have. My job was helping them to unlock their potential and maximise their performance.

I speak to lots of former and current colleagues and whilst there were lots of areas where I am “pretty average” I’ve come to realise that as coach of teams I am actually “pretty good”.

It is these skills that I have used as I have embarked on my non-executive career. They have proved very applicable to businesses in a variety of sectors at a variety of stages in their development. From coaching and mentoring founders and CEO’s in digital start-ups to being an NED in a large lending business it is the ability to ask the right questions in the right way that have helped the key individuals move their businesses forward. It is incredibly rewarding to be able to make a difference in this way.

It is with this context that myself and Alyson have decided that coaching and mentoring will be a central part of the Hedgehog offer.

I have started the process of obtaining my professional coaching qualification and am now part way through the ILM Level 7 Certificate for Executive and Senior Level Coaches and Mentors. I have completed the first of 3 modules and have already seen significant benefits in how I work with the businesses I support and the individuals I coach and mentor.

What Next?

I will not complete the course and obtain the qualification until the middle of next year. It will only be at that point that I can say I am fully professionally qualified.

However, I believe I can add value now and if you think I could be of assistance – as a coach or mentor – to you or other Individuals & teams within your business or beyond please share this post with your network or feel free to get in touch directly.

Practical experience will help me greatly through my studies over the next 6-9 months but I believe I can make a big difference with the skills and experience I already have.

Please message me or mail me on

